Now it's been almost two years. I hear all of the pundits about how Iraq is a quagmire. That we were wrong to go in the first place.
They point to no WMD's and to ongoing violence. However, my view is that we had no choice. The evidence at the time was overwhelming.
The terrorist thought we were week. And to top it all off, we had been trying to deal with Saddum for 12 years thru the U.N. .
Face it if we don't take the fight to the terrorist. The terrorist would and still will try to take the fight to us. What is your freedom worth.
How muchwould you pay. Wasn't J.F.K. that said " to bear any burden, to pay any price" to defend freedom. As far as I am concerned the debate is over. Were there ,Iraq, were kicking ass and things are going well. Even thou the good news is not reported by the bais left media. In additions the Iraqis are getting mad and are not going to put up with the terrorist very much longer before they start killing them on the spot instead of arresting them. As amatter of fact this as already happen. Did you see where a bunch of Iraqis beat to death a supected terrorist. This is great news. The Iraqis are beginning with our help to take control of their country. And when they do watch out world. They will be a major force of freedom to content
with. It's most likely won't be like ours. But it will be a free country. You wait it's going to happen. And where will all you na-sayers be then.